Canaman, Camarines Sur – The offices of the Department of Agriculture (D.A.), Commission on Higher Education (CHEd), Mariners Polytechnic Colleges Foundation (MPCF), Central Bicol State University of Agriculture (CBSUA), Tabang Bikol Movement (TBM) and other Government & Non-Government Organizations (G.O.’s & NGO’s) have collaborated to launch the Social Enterprises Development (SED) Project in the Bicol Region.
The event was slated in the afternoon of January 27, 2023 at the TBM-DA Facility, Berde Azul at the Mariners Polytechnic Colleges Foundation campus in Baras, Canaman, Camarines Sur. SED is a Research and Organizing Project on Developing Sustainable Social Enterprises for the Disaster Survivors in Bicol.
Other government agencies collaborating in this project are the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), Department of Science and Technology (DOST), National Ecomonic Development Authority (NEDA), Bureua of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), Department of Tourism (DOT) and the Deprtment of Education (DEPEd) .
Among the highlights of the occasion was the signing ceremony represented by the government agencies and the participating non-government organizations involved in the project.
The project’s Program Advisory Board is composed of Marilissa J. Ampuan, Ph.D. – President, MPCF of Canaman, Alberto N. Naperi, Ph.D. – SUC President IV, CBSUA, Merle J. San Pedro – President, MPCF of Legaspi, and Gabriel LA. Jimenez, DDM – EVP, MPCF of Canaman.
Meantime, the following are the members of the CHED-SED Project Team: Evita Jimenez Tuazon – Project Manager/ TBM Board Chair, Cely S. Binoya, Ph.D.-Program Leader & PL for Component II, Hanilyn A. Hidalgo, Ph.D. – Project Leader – Component I, Patria B. Boneo- Project Leader – Component III , Philip N. Talay, Ph.D. -Project Leader – Component IV and Dr. Nila B. Oñate, Ph.D. as the Project Leader for Component V.
In the Project Staff are Lea Porteria A. Palmes-Community Development Officer’, Jorica P. Oximoso- Social Enterprise Development Officer, Mary Grace B. Brizuela-Technical Support Staff, and Carl S. Binoya as Technical Support Staff.
The following are the members of the Project’s Administrative Support Staff: Marilyn Clerigo – Finance Officer, Ma. Antonette S. Bersabe- Accountant & Internal Auditor and
Ariel Tesoro as Procurement Officer.
The significance of this project underscores the government’s and the private sectors’ concern for the plight of the poor, particularly the disaster survivors who most of the time are the ones who suffer the most as victims of natural and sometimes, by man-made calamities that bring havoc to their lives and properties.