Attention 1st year BSMT and BSMARE cadets!
WHAT: Misuga/Maine Marine Phils. Inc. (MMPI) Cadetship Training Program Selection for the Mariners’ Industry-Sponsored Cadets (MIS) Program
WHO: Regular 1st year BSMT and BSMARE cadets
1. Male and officially enrolled in MPCF Canaman
2. 18-21 years old
3. Physically and mentally fit
4. Body mass index of 18.5 to 24.9
5. At least 1.75 GWA last 1st semester A/Y 2023-2024 and no failing grades
6. No disciplinary records/infraction
How to apply:
1. Accomplish online application form: (on or before April 15, 2023 10am only)
2. Report to the SAS Office on April 17, 2023 8:30am sharp
The Mariners’ Industry-Sponsored Cadets (MIS) Program is a STUDY NOW, PAY LATER PROGRAM. As an MIS cadet, you will be assured and guaranteed with onboard training and employment opportunity under our prestigious international shipping company linkages such as the Maine Marine Phils. Inc. (MMPI), Veritas Maritime Corporation (VMC), and Phoenix Maritime Corporation (PMC). MIS cadets will undergo academic, physical, and mental training during their stay in the MIS dormitory for their 3-year classroom instruction as part of the MIS cadets training and preparation for onboard training.